Saturday, February 9, 2013


I am supposed to be reading for school, but I am finding everything else to do instead!

Instead of reading today:

  • I have found a lot of cute pictures of animals doing people things:

Yes, I know what you are thinking..Amanda you HATE horses, why did you put this here...They are Miniature horses, less deadly and more dog like, that is why....

                       I want one! I think we would get along great!

It is cold outside, and this cat knows how to keep warm!

  • I have been snooping on Facebook and have been wondering these things all morning:

    • What did we do before Facebook? I mean how did I know who was working out, what people were eating, and how miserable everyone is everyday?!?  Seriously though, it is strange to think how things were before Facebook....I think I liked people more back then....
    • When did we start putting babies in fur baskets? I know I have some photographer friends that can answer this for me. I seriously spent 25 minutes googling this and could not find an answer...I know the babies aren't really using the fur baskets, because that would be crazy...I just want to know why this started and who thought of it.....

  • Why is everyone in love with Bacon? Yeah it is good, but so are ice cream sundaes, and people aren't going crazy over ice cream sundaes...What do you think the next obsession will be? My money is on Horsemeat Burgers! Yummo!

  • I have also been looking seeing what music is out there. My friend just posted a blog about what she is enjoying.

    • This is what I am loving lately:
      • Icona Pop
      • Santigold
      • HBO Girls Soundtrack
      • The Lumineers
      • La Roux
      • Rilo Kiley
      • The Civil Wars
    • Also I enjoy the app Soundtracking...not many people are on there, but it is like Instagram, but with songs! So hot right now!

  • Tomorrow, I will get to procrastinate with Zombies! I am going to Warm Bodies with a friend. I read the book and liked it. I hope the movie is good too..And of course, the Walking Dead starts again! 

    • I almost had this picture accompany my HorseMeat comment...

    • I will also watch Girls, because that show cracks me up and is a half hour long with no commercials. What's not to love?
    Well, I better get back to playing Draw Something with my mom. She drew an amazing picture of a wedgie a few weeks ago, and wish you could have seen it (she has raw talent), but I forgot to take a screen shot :( ... Next time! Back to reading!

    Wednesday, January 2, 2013

    Christmas/New Year's Card from the McCurleys

    Well, I am not exactly sure how to start this post, but in lieu of spending a lot of money on stamps and cards, Dan and I have decided to post our Christmas/New Year's Card online.

    We know this is late, but Dan and I are still recovering from our involuntary New Year's full body cleanse...Sorry, was that too much information? Be thankful we didn't post descriptive updates on Facebook!

    As most of of you may know, but some may not, I started grad school this fall. I love it! I have decided to focus on Aging and Health. I am currently doing a field placement with a senior services agency and am learning a lot and getting to interact with amazing people each day I spend there. I am also still working part-time at the law firm I was previously working at. I am no longer a manager and am working in a new department mostly on special projects. I am really enjoying it! This was definitely a hard decision for me to make, but it was the right decision.

    I am still crafting! I am crocheting, knitting and making jewelry. I also started an Etsy store, MttyMcC, this year.  I have made enough money to help pay for books for school! Thanks for your support! I also have mastered distracting myself when it is time to work on papers, but I have seen some hilarious pictures of cats, so I think it was worth it....

    Dan will write more about himself later...

    We wish you all the best in 2013, and stop by and visit if have the chance. Columbus is a great city!!
    We would love to hear from anyone we haven't heard from yet!!

    You can also keep up with us on here, though I can't make any promises that we will update frequently, as most of my life is consumed with school, and probably isn't very interesting....
    And of course we are on Facebook so follow us there...

    Also, it is that time of the year again where we steal the survey from our friend Catherine's blog:

    Our Responses are as follows:
    A: Amanda

    -- What did you do in 2012 that you'd never done before?
    A: I started Grad School...I also had one Grad school meltdown! I also did some improv classes.

    D: I traveled for work, twice. Once to Austin, Texas for a workshop and once to Spain (for a week) for a study abroad site visit. I also took some Design classes and spoke Swedish with real Swedish people.

    -- Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
    A: Last year my resolutions were:

    less TV and more blogging-OOPS! That did not happen!
    more crafting-Yes
    more reading-Yes-Thanks to grad school!
    more working out-eh...I did join Zumba!
    I would love to join an improv class-Did it!!!
    and of course, I would like to keep in better touch with my friends and family.-I think I did ok-but there is always room for improvement!

    My goals for 2013, will remain the same plus a few others:
    - stay organized
    - live simply and minimize some of the stuff in our house
    - take some time for myself to RELAX!

    D: Last year I vowed to read more, which I did, and to watch less TV, which didn't happen as much. I did watch less scheduled TV and more on-demand/internet tv, though.

    For next year, I'll continue to read. I'd also like to eat healthier and stop holding on to junk around the house.

    -- Did anyone close to you give birth?
    A: Yes, this was the year of babies!! Some were expected and some were not, but they are all beautiful and taking over my Facebook newsfeed!

    D: Yes, lots of them, everywhere.

    -- Did anyone close to you die?
    A: Luckily, no one very close to me passed this year.

    D: Two faculty members in our department passed away this year, unfortunately.

    -- What countries did you visit?
    A: I stayed in the US this year. I did visit  Iowa, Chicago, and Pittsburgh though!

    D: Spain.

    -- What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?
    A: A dresser and a better organized bedroom, and less work related stress...

    D: More opportunities to travel, at home and abroad!

    -- What dates from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
    A:8/22/2012-the day I started grad school at OSU, 12/14/2012-the Sandy Hook shooting-  12/21/12-the day the world did not end! 

    D: September 2012, when we went to Madison for the Wisconsin - UNI football game!

    -- What was your biggest achievement of the year?
    A: Starting Grad school, being able to keep a balance between work, school, and field placement, and getting straight As.

    D: I found a career field I think I'd be interested in pursuing further: International Education/Study Abroad. I already kind of work in that area, but I would like to do more with that in the future and in future jobs. I don't think I'd mind doing busy work as much if it was for something that I actually care about, like getting kids to go abroad.

    -- What was your biggest failure?
    A: Not making coffee at home before class and paying for it at school. Also a group project I was in was pretty bad....

    D: I created then abandoned another website before it launched. It was for my web design class, but I thought it could work afterwards, except for the part where I was too lazy to follow up.

    -- Did you suffer illness or injury?
    A: Right at the end of the year I had food poisoning or the flu, the verdict is still out! But I do know that I will not be eating Chinese food for a while!

    D: I got food poisoning too, plus a few allergies/sinus things throughout the year

    -- What was the best thing you bought?
    A: Tuition for school and plane tickets from Southwest to get home to Iowa!

    D: Football tickets to UNI-Wisconsin, plane tickets.

    -- Whose behavior merited celebration?
    A: Malala Yousafzai, unfortunately we did not hear enough about her. what a brave, beautiful, smart young woman!

    D: The internet people who sent Pitbull to Alaska, made Kim-Jong Un win the Time Person of the Year poll and ruined the Mountain Dew naming contests, among other things. I love it.

    -- Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
    A: People's responses on Facebook after Obama was re-elected. There were a lot of ignorant and hateful things out there, and it made me sad. Also our political leaders ability to work together to accomplish something. If I acted like that at my job, I would be fired....Also the writers for Dexter...ugh!

    D: Boehner.

    -- Where did most of your money go?
    A: School and Travel

    D: Plane tickets.

    -- What did you get really, really, really excited about?
    A: Starting school, seeing Heart in concert with our friends from UNI that came to visit, trivia at Zeno's, visiting my friends in Chicago, and our friends' wedding in Pittsburgh and Iowa.  I was also excited to have visitors for Thanksgiving and throughout the year! We also saw Mumford and Sons live!

    D: The Heart concert, traveling to Spain and Austin, the UNI-Wisconsin game.

    -- What song will always remind you of 2012?
    A: Call Me Maybe, Diamonds, Some Nights, Ho-Hey, Locked Out of Heaven, and Whistle

    D: Gangnam Style

    -- Compared to this time last year, are you:
    a) happier or sadder?
    A: Happier!- I am doing something I am enjoying now!

    D: Happier

    b) thinner or fatter?
    A: Thinner, thanks to my "cleanse" a few days ago....

    D: Not sure....thinner.

    c) richer or poorer?

    A: Poorer, but it is worth it. 

    D: Poor.

    -- What do you wish you'd done more of?
    A: Calling friends and family! Sorry!

    D: Read.

    -- What do you wish you'd done less of?
    A: Stressing out! Wasn't worth it!

    D: Internet.

    -- How will you be spending Christmas?
    A: We went back to Iowa to see our families!

    D: Same as above!

    -- Did you fall in love in 2012?
    A: I found a career path I am excited about!

    D: No.

    -- What was your favorite TV program?
    A: New Girl, Happy Endings, Parenthood, Girls, and The Walking Dead.

    D: New Girl, Happy Endings.

    -- Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
    A: Probably!

    D: Probably, I can't remember. I probably blocked any offenders on FB long ago.

    -- What was the best book you read?
    A: I just finished Warm Bodies and it was good! I will be starting Half the Sky soon!

    D: I Could Do Anything if I Only Knew What It Was, by Barbara Sher.

    -- What was your greatest musical discovery?
    A: First Aid Kit, Of Monsters and Men, The Head and the Heart, and the Rilo Kiley song: With Arms Outstretched-it was on the finale of Weeds.

    D: First Aid Kit, Fort Atlantic and Japandroids

    -- What did you want and get?
    A: To get into the MSW program at OSU!

    D: A sandwich!

    -- What did you want and not get?
    A: Not sure...

    D: I wanted a new job for a while, but I didn't get one. Now I don't really want a new job, at least for a while.

    -- What was your favorite film of this year?
    A:  Expendables 2,The Avengers, Moonrise Kingdom, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Pitch Perfect, Les Miserables.

    D: Expendables 2.

    -- What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
    A: I turned 28, and we went to Mickey's. It was fun!!

    D: 28 - probably Zenos.

    -- How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2012?
    A: Trendy and Sweatery!

    D: Hobo-chic.

    -- What kept you sane?
    A: Dan and my friends!

    D: Deep breathing.

    -- Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
    A: Any girl celebrity with a cute pixie cut (Anne Hathaway, Michelle Williams, and Carey Mulligan). 


    -- What political issue stirred you the most?
    A: What didn't stir glad the election is over!!

    D: I struggled with voting Green Party or for Obama - in the end, I didn't want to let Romney/Ryan win, especially in Ohio, so I caved and voted democrat.

    -- Who did you miss?
    A: Family and friends that are not in Ohio!!

    -- Who was the best new person you met?
    A: I met some great friends in grad school and through other friends this year!

    D: Probably some of the other people in my field that I met in Austin and Spain.

    -- Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012:
    A:Making good money and working long hours does not equal happiness, make sure you are doing what you love to do!

    D: "F*** It." (I'm serious. I read a book with this title, and it was pretty helpful and valuable.)

    -- Quote a song that sums up your year:

    A: The Head and the Heart - Rivers and Roads 

    "A year from now we'll all be gone
    All our friends will move away
    And they're goin' to better places
    But our friends will be gone away

    Nothin' is as it has been
    And I miss your face like hell
    And I guess it's just as well
    But I miss your face like hell

    Been talkin' 'bout the way things change
    And my family lives in a different state
    If you don't know what to make of this
    Then we will not relate
    So if you don't know what to make of this
    Then we will not relate

    Rivers and roads
    Rivers and roads
    Rivers 'til I reach you"

    D: Sage Francis - Slow Down Ghandi

    "Rich get richer til the poor get educated"

    Friday, December 7, 2012


    Someday I hope to be HOME for Christmas, surrounded by friends and family and will throw a fabulous  party much like the one depicted below....I better start growing out my hair!

    But for now, we will be traveling back to Iowa to celebrate with our families...
    Clang! Clang! Clang! Went the trolley!

    Sunday, September 23, 2012

    Overdue Update!

    Time flies when you are having fun (I think)....
    School has started and I am already 6 weeks in, so far so good! I will be working in a field placement come October, but have not found out where that will be yet.
    I enjoy my classes and have had a lot of interesting and eye opening discussions. I feel that I have made the right decision to go back to school and get my MSW.

    We have been keeping busy and have had few adventures the last couple of months. We went to Madison to see UNI play the Badgers. We stayed with Dan's cousins Jeff and Kara, and had a great time! Abbie and Alexis also made the trip, so we had a mini UNI reunion. Dan's dad Don came and visited too! We went to wine tasting and Dan and Don went to the Art Museum and German Village.
    We also had a gathering of friends to come watch the Youngstown/UNI game. Though UNI lost, we still had a good time.

    Dan and I also had our three year anniversary, which does not seem like it could be possible! Where does the time go??

    Besides studying and reading, Dan will be heading to Spain next month, and I am trying to figure out what I am going to be for Halloween. I am planning on being an Ewok for now...

    Make sure you watch Happy Endings and New Girl  as their seasons are starting soon!!

    Sunday, July 22, 2012


    Well, here I am with another overdue post! First, I would like to thank those you have helped support my etsy shop Mitty McC! I had my first non family/non acquaintance/non friend purchase yesterday! Keep spreading the word for me. My newest addition to the shop is a friend ship bracelet set. If you have an ideas or suggestions of what you think I should sell, let me know.

    I have finally made an official announcement to work that I will be going to graduate school at OSU this fall for my Master's in Social Work as a full time student. They have allowed me to stay on part time. I am very excited! School starts on August 22nd, so wish me luck...I think the academia world will be a big adjustment from Corporate America, but I am looking forward to the change of pace. I am not 100% sure what I will want to do exactly, but I would like to combine my paralegal certificate and experience with the social work field. I am meeting with an advisor on Tuesday. I just bought a book bag and am now counting down the days until the fun begins! This also means, I will probably be blogging more to help avoid doing school work... Dan and I have had a pretty laid back summer. I went Pittsburgh for a bachelorette party, and participated in a pole dancing class. Don't let anyone fool you, that is hard stuff! I took the next level of improv classes in Columbus. Dan and I have played movie trivia. We also made it back to Iowa over the 4th of July for my best friend before preschool's wedding and to see our families and friends. It was crazy hot, but a lot of fun! The wedding was beautiful as well! The theme song for our trip was Call Me Maybe! We also got free tickets to the Airborne Toxic Event last weekend. It was a blast!


    Next weekend we are going to have a houseful of visitors from Iowa (Jamie, Katie, Derek, and Vanessa) ...I am resting up now to make sure I can keep up! We are going to go to the Heart concert, sing karaoke, go to the North Market, drink and eat like champions!

     Things we are looking forward to in the upcoming months:
    -Caitlin and Zane's Wedding in Pittsburgh
     -Mumford and Son's Concert in Columbus
    -School Starting
    -Going to Madison for the UNI/Wisconsin Game

     Things we are enjoying at the moment:
     -HBO Go (especially Big Love and The Sopranos)
    -Of Monsters and Men
    -First Aid Kit
    -Sweet Corn
    -Blueberry Pies
     -Summer Shandy
    -Weekend Coffee
    -Nightly Walks in our neighborhood

    Sunday, June 3, 2012

    Mitty McC is now open for business!

    It is here!! You can now visit my Etsy shop Mitty McC here:
    A big thank you to my sister Erin, for making the store logo and banner!

    Currently, I am only selling necklaces but will start to post other things soon.  I hope to add knitted and crocheted items soon. Let me know if there is anything you would like to see!

    In all honesty, it was quite a process getting this shop set up, but it was fun to do.

    Please keep the buzz going and tell your friends to stop by and look around!

    Saturday, April 7, 2012

    She's Making Jewelry Now

    A few weeks ago we saw this on Portlandia, and laughed a lot mostly because it rang true with me...

    I really do love to make crafty things! I have been crocheting and knitting more, which inturn means I am blogging less. Some projects I have made in the past few months are below:

    Lately, I discovered making necklaces and I love it! Some people at work asked if I would make them some. I did and got some money for it, and then I thought I should just open an Etsy Store. It took me forever to come up with a name but I think we finally settled on one! I will announce when it is up and running..For now I will be putting my necklaces on there, but eventually I will try and add some crocheted and knitted goods as well!

    Here are some examples of the Necklaces:

    If you see something you like let me know and I can give a good deal!