Monday, December 27, 2010


Remember when you were little and wanted a diary so bad, and then when you got your diary you never wrote in it??

That is me, I am that Little Girl!!

Last year, I believe my Resolutions were:

1. start working out again, and to acquire a treadmill- I did join a gym....I did not acquire a treadmill...but I did join a gym!! I actually go to the gym too!
2. become more crafty (like sewing and making stuff)-Yes-I am more crafty than I was a year ago, but am still working on this!
3. master knitting, stamping and making my own stationary-Again, I am still working on it, but I have been stamping my own cards, crocheting and knitting more too!
4. to cut down on my sugar intake-I probably was doing ok on this one, but the last 3 weeks on consumption have definitely canceled out my year's efforts...
5. read more books-I am doing better on this, and am still hoping to cut out TV and add in more reading...
6. keep in better contact with friends and family-I did not improve in this area at all :(
7. limit my screen time (tv, computer, etc.)-I don't think this changed much either...
8. purchase a washing machine and dryer-DONE!!
9. visit/explore other parts of Ohio-There is still more to see!!
10. blog more =]...FAIL...

I am not sure what is wrong with me, but for some reason it is really hard for me to think of anything to write about. My life is not particularly interesting, and I can never think of anything exciting, funny, or witty to write about. I feel like I owe the person who takes the time read what write something interesting. Maybe it is performance anxiety?!
Now, I understand the Family Circus and Marmaduke make appearances in print everyday, and they obviously don't feel like they owe their readers much. But I don't want to be the Marmaduke of the blogging world, so it is easier to just not do it.

I remember being in college with Xanga, thinking I was going to be the next Carrie Bradshaw. I figured everyone wanted to know what I am thinking and what I am doing. Then I started reading everyone's Xanga, and they were all pretty lame, especially mine! So I stopped, and joined Myspace and Facebook, where you can annoy people in just a few sentences a day!

Over break, we watched Julie/Julia. I thought it was interesting that she just blogged about the recipes she prepared out of a book... I wish I would have come up with that! As cheesy as it sounds it inspired me a little to get on here and blog about something. I mean that is why I have a blog right?!

I haven't decided on all of my resolutions yet, but I still have about 4 more days to do so. I am sure my "go-to" blogging resolution will be on the list, and it is possible I will probably fail...but I guess it is worth a shot...

Wish me luck in 2011!

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