Sunday, January 8, 2012

Limboing in Purgatory

So begins a New Year! And along with the new year comes reflecting on the past year and looking forward to what is to come.
I have been reading a lot of memoirs lately, and most of the time I think to myself I could do this, I have a lot of thoughts, opinions, and strange stories I could write about....Then I thought, I have a blog, I can write on there...

This last year Dan and I had a few opportunities come up that we thought would bring us out of Ohio and closer to home. But as luck would have it, it just didn't happen that way. We were (maybe still are) disappointed, but we have decided that wee need to make the most of our time here, while we still have it. Never in my life would I have thought that I would be living in Ohio, let alone more than 4 years in Ohio, but here I am getting close to year 5. And though it seems like EVERYONE we know are moving on, having children and getting married, we feel stuck. Ohio is now synonymous with purgatory. We always thought this was going to be our stepping stone onto the next best thing. I am starting to think this may be this is it!

We have really been thinking about what we want to do and are thankful we have the time to do that. We are learning to be PATIENT and are realizing that we need to stop being frustrated that we may not be doing what everyone else is doing or that we aren't closer to home. We decided now is the time that we can try new things. For example, I signed up for an improv class, Dan wants to do an open mic comedy night and so on. We can keep making plans for future, but we are learning when things don't go as planned that we should use it as another opportunity to try something else.

Columbus is a lovely city. There is a lot of good food and places to see. And most importantly, Columbus is fairly cheap*!
So until the next thing happens, we will be here limboing in purgatory!

*Don't believe me?!? You should come visit!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

It's a New Year!! Which means time for another survey!!
Thanks for the survey Catherine!

-- What did you do in 2011 that you'd never done before?
A: I went to Canada and gambled in a casino. I decided I don't like to gamble...
We went to Hocking Hills (beautiful!), and saw DeathCab for Cutie live. I was in a book club.I started playing words with friends! We listened to an Audio book on our road trip. We finally saw a play that Dan's younger sister was in. We also stayed in Columbus for Christmas!

D: I was subpoenaed as a witness to county traffic court (got payed $9.00 for that.) I also went to a UNI game at the McLeod Center, which I hadn't been in before. I also didn't go to Iowa for Christmas. I went to Michigan. I bowled competitively in a league. And I went to my first midnight video game release at Gamestop!

-- Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
A: I am satisfied with my resolution keeping of last year! I blogged a little more, was super crafty, and I worked out! I also joined a book club, and have been reading more! I also visited more places in Ohio!
My resolutions will probably be the same as last years:
less TV and
more blogging
more crafting
more reading
more working out
I would love to join an improv class
and of course, I would like to keep in better touch with my friends and family.

D: I read a lot more this year, and I plan to continue that next year. I need to watch less TV.

-- Did anyone close to you give birth?
A: My sister Steph! Also, a few of my friends. It seems that everyone I know is pregnant right now, so this list will be larger next year!

D: Same as above!

-- Did anyone close to you die?
A: Not that I can think of...

D: I don't think so...

-- What countries did you visit?
A: Canada, but it was French Canada, so it felt like France too!

D: Canada......and Michigan (ba dum chhhhh)

-- What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
A: A chance to move closer to home!

D: Less stuff, a chance to move on to something new workwise/locationwise.

-- What dates from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
A: Friday May 13...My dad had had a heart attack and I was helpless in Ohio.

D: This year was kind of a blur - I had to go back through all of my 2011 FB wall to remember what happened at times. I guess spending the 4th of July weekend by myself in La Crosse, Wisconsin when I was interviewing for a job.

-- What was your biggest achievement of the year?
A: I stuck with knitting and crocheting and made some neat things. I am starting to play around with my sewing machine again too!

D: Reading more books - I actually made a goal to read more then followed through with it.

-- What was your biggest failure?
A: I read the whole book Freedom by Jonathan Franzen and will never get that time back. Also my bracket for March Madness was atrocious this year...

D: I ran a wildly successful internet blog for a few months then abandoned it at the height of its fame, much like Nirvana. Maybe I'll try to pick that back up.

-- Did you suffer illness or injury?
A: Injury and Sickness free in 2011!

D: Nothing major I can remember, and that's including an overnight stay in Akron!

-- What was the best thing you bought?
A: More boots! Yarn and a Comfy Couch...Also new tires for my car!

D: Skyrim for Xbox 360 - definitely has eaten a lot of my time. And my Kindle, although that was a gift (thaaaaanks Amanda!)

-- Whose behavior merited celebration?
A: All the people who stood up and fought for what they believed in, all over the world...You made a change, and that is inspiring!

D: All the protestors in Wisconsin, Ohio, the Middle East, NY, etc.

-- Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
A: Sadly, a lot of people...Sandusky, The Republican Candidates, that guy that wrote the horrible article about Iowa (yeah, like Michigan is going to be sooo much better), and there are more, but I will stop now...

D: Pretty much all politicians, tv ad-writers and the general establishment of economics (thanks to a book I read about it.) Also the Koch brothers (the evil robber barons, not the UNI Basketball family dynasty)

-- Where did most of your money go?
A: Canada!

D: Canada, tires, christmas gifts, etc.

-- What did you get really, really, really excited about?
A: Going to see Aziz Ansari, We went to the OSU/Purdue basketball game, going back home in November, we had a string of family visitors in the summer! Of course our friends weddings and good new they shared with us! Oh and I cut my hair really short!

D: I really enjoyed all of our friends' weddings this year, and getting to travel to different locations for them. I also got excited about a couple of job opportunities - none of which panned out - but they all ended up being close calls. I was also pretty pumped when Skyrim came out and when we went to see Death Cab at the LC.

-- What song will always remind you of 2011?
A: Rolling in the Deep, Party Rock Anthem, Pumped Up Kicks, and Shake it out!

D: The ones Amanda named, plus Jack Sparrow by The Lonely Island.

-- Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
A: Happier.
D: Meh.
b) thinner or fatter?
A: about the same, but with all my eating lately, probably fatter!
D: Probably fatter. Boy, this question is brutal.
c) richer or poorer?
A: About the same, maybe a little richer?
D: Richer I guess.

-- What do you wish you'd done more of?
A: Reading, socializing, running, crafting...

D: Exercising, reading.

-- What do you wish you'd done less of?
A: wasting my time on the internet, mainly Facebook and Pinterest...

D: Worrying about the future, watching TV.

-- How will you be spending Christmas?
A: Dan and I stayed in Columbus. We did house sit in German Village for a couple of days, so it was a change of scenery!

D: We stayed in Columbus!

-- Did you fall in love in 2011?
A: Sure!! With lots of things!

D: No.

-- What was your favorite TV program?
A: 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, True Blood, Homeland, Disappeared and Curb Your Enthusiasm.

D: Eastbound and Down, Game of Thrones, Workaholics, True Blood.

-- Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
A: Hate is a strong word, but I really have no tolerance for greed anymore...

D: John Kasich - major league douche.

-- What was the best book you read?
A: Tina Fey's Bossypants and The Monster of Florence is good too!

D: Probably either Europe's Promise or Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

-- What was your greatest musical discovery?
A: Foster the People

D: Frightened Rabbit and Turisas (which led me to find a bunch more Scandinavian metal bands...thanks JamFla and D$)

-- What did you want and get?
A: A trip to Canada, to see our families, and a Healthy and Happy New Year!

D: Skyrim, and we got to see our friends and family quite a bit!

-- What did you want and not get?
A: To be closer to home!

D: A new job in a new location. Maybe this year!

-- What was your favorite film of this year?
A: Drive, Harry Potter, The Muppets, Bridesmaids, and Blue Valentine!

D: Super 8, Harry Potter, Drive, Harold and Kumar

-- What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
A: I was 27. Dan and I went out to eat at Surly Girl, and then I had a happy hour at Marshall's with co-worker whose birthday is close to mine!

D: Our friends came over to our house then some of them tell me that we went to Zeno's.

-- How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011?
A: Classy, Comfortable, and Cute-and of course boots!!

D: Craptacular.

-- What kept you sane?
A: Friends, family, my work wife, and watching reality TV....

D: Amanda, and the Xbox.

-- Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
A: The Gos (Ryan Gosling), Tina Fey, Kristen Wiig, Amy Pohler, and Aziz Ansari.

D: Kenny Powers.

-- What political issue stirred you the most?
A: I guess the question should be which issue didn't stir me?! In all honesty the whole pizza is a vegetable thing freaked me out the most! I am also concerned about the fracking that will start in Ohio soon!

D: The whole anti-labor, anti-education thing: SB5, the Wisconsin bills, etc.

-- Who did you miss?
A: My family and all of our friends that are not in Ohio!

D: Our friends that have moved away from Columbus over the years.

-- Who was the best new person you met?
A:I got to know a friend from work more, which in turn introduced me to her friends and I ended up playing on a sand volleyball team....Also my work wife!

D: I'll have to think about this one...

-- Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011:
A: For the workplace: No matter who is going to be upset, you should speak up about things that are bothering, or else it will get worse!

D: But while they prate of economic laws, men and women are starving. We must lay hold of the fact that economic laws are not made by nature. They are made by human beings.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

-- Quote a song that sums up your year:
A: A song would be Shake it out by Florence + the Machine and my quote is from Christmas Vacation: Can I refill your eggnog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead?

D: And we can both get old fashioned
Put the brakes on these fast, fast wheels
Oh let's get old fashioned
Back to how things used to be
If I get old, old fashioned
Would you get old, old fashioned with me?

- Old Old Fashioned, Frightened Rabbit