Thursday, November 17, 2011

Shaking my fist!!!

That is right, I am bringing back the fist shake.
Here is a list of things that I am raising my clenched hand up and am shaking it violently to...Just like this!

1). Jack and Jill was the second highest grossing film last weekend. This movie which looks like one Tracy Jordan from 30 Rock would have starred in, was filling up theaters. Don't get me worng I used to love Adam Sandler movies, but when I saw this preview, I thought it was a joke, a really bad joke...What is wrong with you America?!?

2) Leggings as pants...They are OK for SOME people under LONG shirts and short dresses. They are not pants and I don't care what to know what you look like under your clothes...

3)Community has been shelved...Don't get me wrong I can't wait for 30 Rock to come back, but can't Whitney go away instead?

4) Nicholas Cage...You are awful!

5)Congress blocking more nutritious school lunches. Wow...Who is running this country??

6) The drivers in Columbus...You are awful!

7)Fur Vests...I don't get it...You look like an ewok, or a wookie if you are a tall person...

8) People that rant and rave on the internet...Wait...Wahh?

That's it for now. I couldn't think of anything else to say. I was going to try to get to 10, but I am tired. Yes, I am shaking my fist at myself right now...


  1. I agree with the school lunches, I fought that for years.

  2. #4.... Gots to go! ;-) !! Oh... I know what u meant... Auto correct turn awful into awesome!!! Ha! :-D
