Monday, February 22, 2010

Growing Pains are AWKWARD

Lately I feel as though I am going through an awkward phase lately.

First of all I am growing my hair out, no reason really just something different. I am not planning on growing it out super long, just to my chin. But anyways now I feel like a Hanson Brother. AWKWARD with weird hair. Maybe if I buy some cute headbands....

Lately, I have been having trouble about where/how to shop. For example Women's or Junior's? I am 26 years old and some stuff is way to old looking and some is way too young looking! I hope it is ok I still shop in the Junior's section. AWKWARD....

Also, Dan and I have come to the crazy realization that a lot of our friends are moving away.We do have a lot of friends still in CBUS, but it is a realization they may be leaving soon too! Now we have to meet new a couple...AWKWARD. The upside is that we live in a great new neighborhood and really do like Harrison's on Third (the bar) and the even let us watch the UNI game there. Maybe we will meet someone there...

I am trying ti make a blanket made out crocheted granny squares. I keep trying and I can't make it work. AWKWARD! I am still struggling with the darn granny squares, but I think I understand them now...I will keep you posted.

Hopefully the post isn't too awkward!


  1. Growing pains = awkward.
    Growing pains theme song = brilliant.

    Silver lining Amanda, tune in.

  2. by no means do you look like a hanson brother! about awkward is their "umm bop" song!

  3. Mmm... Bop! If I remember correctly, you really liked that song when it orginally hit the music scene.

    Yeah- I don't know where young professionals are supposed to go shopping for work-appropriate clothing. I love The Loft and The Limited. Express is a bit too much, but I'll find a shirt or pants there every once in a while.

    ~ Erin C.
