Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What's UP with that?!?

Maybe you have seen one of my favorite SNL skits , that asks the question: What's Up With That?

I have been asking this a lot lately myself.

Especially with all of this going on:

Shrimp Tacos
at Taco Bell?? What's up with that?

Chuck Norris is 70???

Remember when The Office was funny?

UNI may be a 8 or 9 seed meaning they will have to play the number 1 in the 2nd Round of the tourney... What's Up with that?!?

We caught up to HIMYM on Netflix now have to wait a whole week to watch new episodes....

How does this guy have his own show on CNN? Also when did the "news" become interactive? Meaning, having people call, tweet, or facebook message in to voice their opinion on something...

Jay Leno is still on TV...

Movies like this keep happening...

THIS is the number one comedy in America...

What's Up With That??

I could probably go on, but I won't...
In other positive news, we have been selected to be a nielson ratings tv family...We filled out the intial survey and there were $5.oo in the packet =0)

The weather is gorgeous here! Bye Winter!

Also, March Madness starts Sunday!


  1. Sean and I are watching HIMYM season by season. Currently we are on season 1 in the episode where Victoria has to leave Ted and go to Germany. I love this show! I am so glad that it is still on and I can look forward to more episodes =) Love your blog!

  2. whoa...seriously, chuck norris is 70? he probably just round-house kicked the 60's on by!

  3. The "Two-and-a-half Men" things kills me, too... How can that possibly be the #1 comedy, when NO ONE I know admits to watching it?? What's up with that, America?

  4. "What is UUUUPPPPP with that?"

  5. You have GOT to check out the Big Bang Theory... totally dorky and HILARIOUS! That's the only show in a long time that constantly causes me to laugh out loud.

    ~ Erin C.
